Provider Spotlight: Laura Liston, MSN, FNP-C

Tell us about which Nurse Practitioner (NP) school you attended and why it made the top of your list?            I attended Regis College, in Weston, MA, just outside of Boston.  I chose Regis because it was 100% in-person instruction, provided clinical training with...
Are You at Risk for Arthritis?

Are You at Risk for Arthritis?

Although arthritis can develop without certain risk factors, many people who develop arthritis have other health problems as well. Being aware of risk factors can help you to mitigate your chances of developing arthritis! As the CDC points out on their website,...

Provider Spotlight: Michelle Wood, NP

Tell us about which Nurse Practitioner (NP) school you attended and why it made the top of your list? Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. They were one of the 1st universities to offer Advanced Study of Complementary and Integrative Health Therapies Certificate,...
Tips for Staying Active As You Age

Tips for Staying Active As You Age

Aging is inevitable, it happens to everyone. But we can, in some measure, offset the effects of aging by staying active. Staying active increases your flexibility and mobility as you age and also reduces your risk of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. ...

Physician Spotlight: Dr. Heather Gladue

Tell us why you chose Nova Southern University for medical school?       I chose NSU-COM because I was drawn to osteopathic medicine. I have always believed that medicine is about treating the whole person and osteopathic medicine focuses on this. Everything we do and...